OK Party people, you are trying to do the right things, you are hitting the gym, your sticking to your diet, you are making an effort. So why aren't you achieving your goals? Well its obvious you are doing something wrong. It may be one of these 4 things.....
1. Your program doesn't match your goals
2. Your the same as you were last month
3. TOO high of expectations
4. Inconsistency

Lets start with number 1 seeing as how that will put us in sequential order. Of you are trying to put on some size and strength but your program is filled with elipticalling, and pilates classes in between your 2 full body circuit days of weight training, its no wonder your spinning your wheels. The program has to match the goals. You want to bulk up and get strong, everything heavy all the time, squats and deadlifts and milk!!!
Number 2. You weighed in last month and the scale read 179lbs. One month later the scale reads the same, your body fat is the same, you don't feel any different. Well DONT KEEP DOING THE SAME THING YOU DID LAST MONTH! It isn't working. Change something, anything, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results right? well.... Like Micheal Jackson says "Make that change"

You have set goals and you have set out to reach them, but maybe they are a bit tooooo ambitious. Now lets get things straight here I want your goals to be challenging, but I also want them to be attainable. IF you are someone who's trying to lose 100lbs, or add 100lbs to your bench press, its probably not going to happen in a couple of months. Break your goals down, divide and conquer. Look at it more as 20lbs a month or 5 lbs per week. This is manageable, attainable, and realistic and will keep your motivation high. Which is where we need it if your ever going to fit into that dress you've been eyeing.
Consitancy is the MOTHER of progress. Without it you might as well not even bother. Week 1, had awesome workouts 4 days, week 2, never made it to the gym, week 3, made it to the gym once had a kick ass workout...... etc. This is not going to get you anywhere, you must be consistant. Even if you arent having great workouts every time you step foot into the gym. Something is always better than nothing and you need to do it ALL THE TIME!!!
Thats all for now folks, enjoy the rest of whatever day it is when you read this and check back in soon.
Embrace the burn!
Thanks Pat! Very helpful. Can't wait to fit in the dress I've been eyeing. - Brownie
ReplyDeleteHow much fat does dancing burn? Let's say I start doing dance battles now, where do you think I will be in November?
ReplyDeleteI too am looking forward to fitting in that dress.
ReplyDeleteGreat article, especially #1. Thanks!