Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting sick?

I couldn't resist the Beiber Proactive picture!
Being proactive is always better than being reactive.  Leading a healthy lifestyle, eating right, exercising, getting plenty of rest, and keeping your stress levels at a manageable level, is going to help you get sick a lot less.  I am talking everything from the flu, to a cold, to even bigger issues.  Personally i always try to workout if i feel like i am on the brink of getting sick, I feel like it helps me sweat it out a bit and tells my body to get its immune systems ass in gear!

Now if you are past the "brink" of sickness and are already onto a bit of a scratchy throat or some nasal congestion I am going to share with you my 4 headed attack on sickness.  I understand that every one's different but in my case over the last 5 years or so i have been sick, like for real sick, about 2 times.  So try my advice, the worst that can happen is you get sick which you were about to anyway!

So at the first sign of sickness, go STRAIGHT TO THE STORE!!! make an absolute B-Line for the vitamin section and go get a ZINC supplement.  Start taking 3-6 of these pills a day, one every other hour or so. 

The next thing you do go get a large bottle of POM pomegranate juice.  This stuff is pretty expensive but when you're really sick what would you give to be unsick? probably more tan $7.99, and it has about 48,927,838,409 antioxidants in it (this is a lot), trust me it helps.  Drink this POM all day long but just in little bits, make it last the whole day.  What I like to do is drink down to the first dent in the bottle, than fill it back to the top by adding water, and I do this about 3 more times. 

Now you may leave the store (after you pay for these items).  For the rest of the day in addition to your POM drink as much water as possible, all day long, you should pee about 15 times throughout the day. 

The last thing on our 4 headed attack is go to bed early.  I mean SUPER EARLY. As soon as possible.  Done with work, go home, eat something healthy, straight to the sheets, if you have trouble getting to sleep because its so early a little shot of nyquil should help!
Good luck people, colds and flus are right around the corner and I don't want you getting me sick, so keep yourself healthy and we'll all be happy campers!

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