Wednesday, October 17, 2012


ahhh suga (do do do do do do) ahhh honey honey (do do do do do do) you are my candy girlllll and I eat to much of youuuuuuuuuu!

So people lets chat for a bit about sugar shall we? I'm going to be honest it's gonna be a one sided chat seeing as how I am doing all the typing here, and if you say something I can't hear it anyway (you can leave a comment if you want to though).  So sugar sugar sugar.  How much sugar do you need?  How much do any of us need?  Really the answer is about none.  We especially as Americans take in SO MUCH FREAKING SUGAR IT IS LITERALLY HARD TO BELIEVE.  I honestly cannot emphasize that last sentence enough, capitol letters do not do it justice, I need stone ingravings the size of trees, or bilboards or something else like a blimp with a flashing sign to even try to begin to stress that point enough. 

Truth be told we get more than enough sugar without trying to eat sugar.  Sugar is in all kinds of foods that you might not even think about.  Fruits are obviously FULL of sugar, now its obviously natural and fruits have lots of nice vatimins as well but that doesn't mean you should eat 6 kiwis, 3 bananas, and a 1/2 lb of grapes every day, that is way too much sugar.  Even some vegetables have sugar in them.  Don't believe me? Why do you think carrots taste so sweet? Tomatos? Peppers? Yup,YUP.  Corn? Oh god CORN dont even get me started on corn. Ya whos laughing now? That's what I thought.  So if all that fruit is more suagr than you need, exactly what kind of favor do you think you are doing for yourself when you smash down 3 cupcakes at that work party? Or save a whole bag of that Halloween candy for yourself? Ya they might be mini Hershy's bars but they pack the same punch as the full grown sized ones if you eat 6 at a time. 

Storage not typically thought of as sexy
Basically you should absolutely  not go out of your way to make sure you are getting enough sugar, its in everything from ketchup, to salad dressing, to apple juice, and even your saturday morning sausages.  Sugar when it gets broken down from your body is sometimes used a fast acting energy source that can provide a quick boost or a "sugar buzz" however this only requires a small amount and it only works if you are about to be very active or you were just very active like 10 seconds ago.  Just about all the other times that you are putting sugar into your body your body uses it for storage.  Storage, huh? Theres a nice word.  You want people looking at you and thinking man that (insert name here) has got quite a lot of storage going on?  Didn't think so, because storage is another word for fat.  Plain old fat.  I tell you what I dont really know anyone who is thinking to themselves "gee I really need to put on a few", and if you are such a person, keep your comments to yourself becuase most mere mortals are uniterested in what you have to say. 

So avoid sugar avoid it like the plague you will look and feel better for it.  I know your not going to be a perfectly sugar free person from here on out but do yourself a favor and just check the nutrional label next time your putting syrup on something or even drinking a beer, just do it and think about it for a second..... Thats all for now.
ps. Ever hear of a thing called SUGAR snap peas.......?
Until next time my friends, embrace the burn, and thanks for reading. 

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