Thursday, September 13, 2012

Not in your routine?

Oh you wanted the healthy breakfast? So sorry!
It can be very difficult to eat, workout, stay active, basically stay healthy when you aren't in your regular routine.  If you are traveling for work, on vacation, or you've just been thrown off for one reason or another. 

All you can do is your best right? RIGHT, but do you do your best at these times? Well if you don't you should really start to try, now I know there wont always be a healthy food choice available to you, sometimes all you have time for is a quick bagel (aka more bread than you need for a week) and you have to keep it moving.  Maybe you are at a meeting and they provide a lovely spread of coffee and danish and pastries, not really looking out for those of us trying to live the clean life. 

However you can still try, eat the fruit if that's an option, have your coffee black, walk to places if its within reason.  If there is no gym around you can certainly still get a workout in.  It's not difficult to bring a pair of running sneakers with you and just go pound the pavement.  You can always do a great variety of body weight exercises in a hotel room, I have gone through plenty of workouts that have kicked my ass in places that don't really seem conducive to exercise. 

you may not be as hunky as this dude but you can work off last nights drinks
If you are on vacation get creative, a short run on the beach is equal to a long run on the pavement,  actually any exercise in sand makes it about a million times harder; burpees, squat jumps, anything like this.  I love working out on vacation, its a great way to start the day, I feel energetic, and then I don't feel so bad about what I may or may not eat and drink all day and night long.  If you ate and drank all night the night before a workout is a great way to start to shake off a hangover. 

Bottom line peeps where there's a will there's a way, sayings like this have been around forever for a reason..... THEY'RE TRUE!!!

until next time my friends live healthy and do something fun. Embrace the burn!

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