Loose and Limber (or soon to be) ladies and gents.
Obviously the last post was about stretching, If you don't remember just look directly below this post and see for yourself.
What I am going to do in this post is recommend some particular stretches that should be done daily in order to maximize your muscle and joint range of motion, and improve your quality of life, because at the end of the day that's what its all about right? RIGHT!
So here we go, when stretching a nice rule of thumb is start at the top and work your way down. so lets start with the neck
This is not really what I am talking about. lets try again.
These are good stretches for the neck, you don't want to pull too hard on your head just let the weight of your arms hang down creating some pressure it will do the trick. Hold the stretch for :30-1:00

Next is a chart showing stretches to do basically for the rest of your body. Obviously there are many more stretches than this available to you, however if you make sure to hit these ones daily, or at least most of them you will be doing yourself a huge favor. Try to hold each one for a minimum of :30 but 1-2 minutes will really allow you to work into the stretch loosening up the muscles and actually gaining some flexibility. Stretches should be held in a position where you can feel it and it is slightly uncomfortable, you should not stretch to the point of actual real deal pain. There are a variety of types of stretches such as dynamic, ballistic, active, passive, static, isomeric and PNF. Each stretch is beneficial in its own way, we are focusing mainly on static where you are getting into the farthest position possible and holding for a period of time. If you are super interested in all of the other types of stretches I just listed, make a comment on the post, if I get enough feedback I'll do a short post explaining them all. So eat right, get to the gym for tons of exercising, and make sure you are rocking those stretches. Until next time people embrace the burn!
1-2 minutes? Really? I barely even make it to 30 seconds... I guess I should really evaluate the ways I stretch... I would love to increase my flexibility. I would like to hear more about the other types of stretches and the ways in which they affect the body. Please post!!