HO! HO! HO! Ladies and gentlemen as we really dive head first into the heart of the holiday season let's first stop and take a minute to figure out what it's going to be like in the deep end of this pool.
Now Thanksgiving has come and gone and whatever happened, happened good bad or indifferent I'm not here to judge. However, now we really get tested, Christmas is almost upon us, and with it comes all of the Christmas parties. Your friend's annual ugly sweater party, your work party, your wife's work party, the small gathering in your neighborhood, the Christmas eve event that you attend every year, and your sister's on Christmas day. Tally that all up and that is a lot of partying with a lot of drinking, a lot of food, and simply having a wonderful Christams time!!! (did you catch that?)

As always I am not going to sit here, as I type this on my laptop at school before a day filled with indoor soccer and 7th and 8th graders trying to ask me for the 827,000th time how old I am at which I always respond "old enough to be your teacher" and tell you to not attend these parties, eat, drink, and be merry. Why would I do that when I will be doing all of the same things as you? I will however sit here and try to convince you that it is in your best interest to try to pick out one or two of these occasions to cut loose and live it up, and on the other 3 or 4 events try to keep it to a minimum. Try to go into it with a plan, either eat a bit before you go or stay near the crudetay. Also don't forget how the drinks add up, alcoholic, as well as juices and soft drinks. These drinks all are packed with sugars and calories, and area all an unnecessary consumption. As I said enjoy the one or two events where you get your moneys worth, but if you are at one of the gatherings where you are supposed to take it easy, instead of "oh I'll just have one or two drinks" why not just have none!? One or two will do nothing to enhance your Christmas spirit anyway so let's try to zero and just stick to water on the rocks? Maybe you will maybe you wont, but you can't argue that what I'm saying isn't totally reasonable. To top it all off we know that New Years eve is lurking in the shadows close behind, we will deal with resolutions later (hopefully you attained your resolution goals from last year, because if you haven't its pretty much too late) but it is no secret that New Years will bring at least one more day/night of the same high level gathering with all of the same fun and unhealthy indulgences. So let's all make a strong effort to end this year with some momentum heading into next year where we will all be in THE BEST SHAPE OF OUR LIVES RIGHT!?!?!?! I thought so.
Until next time my friends embrace the burn!
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