Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Consistency is the MOTHER of progress

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is no secret that when trying to achieve a goal, consistency is crucial.  Without consistency how can one expect progress?  One cannot!

Consistently practicing the right way will result in improvement, no matter if we are talking about a skill, or your health

You've heard the saying "practice makes perfect," right?  Well if you haven't, trust me it's a very popular saying that many people use, and have used for a long time.  I agree with the saying, but it does need to be tweaked a bit: "Proper practice makes perfect."  If you constantly practice something the wrong way, you are only going to get good at doing it wrong.  This fits right in with your health and well being:  Proper exercise, proper dieting, makes for improvements, otherwise you are just wasting time. 


You can't eat perfectly one day and have a kick ass workout and expect this to make a difference.  You must eat well every day, and have kick ass workouts most days.  Then over time your body will adjust and adapt to your new lifestyle, and you will start to look like how you feel, WHICH IS AWESOME!

So stick to your schedule, remember something is always better than nothing, even if you only have time for a short workout: just make it as intense as possible.  Keep it going, day after day, until it becomes as much a part of your routine as putting on a shirt (I assume you do this often). 

Nice short post for you. Embrace the burn!

1 comment:

  1. OK, that motivates me to make those short workouts intense (just have to remember to warm up first). Thanks!
